Honda e Knowledge Base

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Things a new owner should know

Collection checklist §

Don’t lift the wipers §

They may damage the hood. You should first put them into the maintenance position.

Do so by powering off the car, then within 10 seconds hold the wiper switch in the MIST position for at least 2 seconds (2020 manual, p. 604). Once they’ve move into the maintenance position, you can lift them.

When done, first put them back against the windscreen (or they will damage the hood as they return). Then turn power on and hold the wiper switch in the MIST position until both wiper arms return (2020 manual, p. 606).

Maybe don’t use Tesla superchargers (and some others) §

Several types of chargers have been reported to cause issues.

There was a recall around June 2024, but reports from updated cars are limited so far. The following list applies to cars without the update, with post-recall notes where available.

Reported issues:

Cut-out post; connector with silver details
Cut-out post; all-black connector
Solid post

Reported issues, but reported as working well by others:

Reported to work fine:

The car does not auto-lock when you walk away §

You need to lock it by pressing the “lock” button on the key, or touching the ridged part at the top of the front door handles (using two fingers works best), or pressing the button inside the tailgate handle.

Set your home address in the built-in satnav for scheduled charging to work §

The car knows to apply the “home” charging schedule by checking the “home” location you’ve set in the built-in satnav. If you don’t set one, it won’t apply this schedule.

For how to set it, see the navigation manual, p. 18.

The “Charging Wait Time Schedule” sets the period when not to charge §

If you e.g. want your car to charge 00:30 to 04:30, the schedule should start at 04:30 and end at 00:30.

Keep the locking wheel nut key in the car §

The car likely came with “locking wheel nuts” – there will be one specially keyed nut on each wheel. It should also come with the unique key for these wheel nuts. Keep this key in the car as you’ll need it in case of a puncture. For a new car, the key may be in a box in the glove compartment together with the replaced regular wheel nuts.

You can drive some distance after hitting 0% §

In this test (via this page), the Honda e Advance could go another 31.8 km (19.8 miles) after showing 0% state of charge. It’s likely bad for the battery to do this regularly, but could be good to know in an emergency situation.

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